Wednesday Wheel of Blog

Privacy Policy


Any information collected on this blog is used only to track the traffic through my blog and anyone who wants to subscribe. I am using Google Analytics. No other information will be collected or stored.

Third-party products or services will be shared via affiliate links or advertisements.

All websites use cookies to gather information so please be aware you may be asked about accepting cookies (like you may be asked on other websites by a little pop up usually located at the bottom of the screen).


All information on this website is for educational and informational purposes. I offer no professional advice through my blog. I only speak of experiences and what has worked for me and I share that with my readers through my blog.

I will be sharing affiliate links sharing products that I use that you may find useful in your future endeavors. My current affiliate relationships are Amazon Affiliates and others are pending.


Some of the products listed on here will be found through affiliate links to other websites. I do not have any a refund/exchange policy for them, as I am not selling them. I am only sharing the link to those people who are selling the products. Any issues should be brought up with the sellers.

You may share my blog, but products I offer for free or sell through my Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) store, The Signing Itinerant, should not be shared. This is to protect my content. Please direct others to my blog or TPT store.

I have the right to terminate anyone's use of my website at my sole discretion. My target audience is anyone over the age of 18 who enjoys arts and crafts, scrapbooking, video games, and other topics found in the blog.
